light in darkness

this blog is not for the faint-hearted. this blog contains fearless doodles from a mad girl. this blog is the emancipation of my emotions. this is my blog.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

putting out the flame


i held the flame tenaciously in my hands. it burned with much passion. i held it close to me and felt its warmth engulf my whole being--cover all the bruises and enshroud the pain.i wanted it to flicker as the surge of emotions continually cascaded in my system.

i never desired to cease the fire yet it came to the point when i was scorched painfully--more painful than the wounds caused by the billow of sadness that thrives in my soul. it should be over... so i squashed the holocaust in my grasp. when i opened my palm, the fancy flame was nothing but dire ashes.


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